Sunday, December 11, 2011

Frustration of Bears Lose, As Tebow Mania Takes Over

Tebow Mania/Media

          So many things I can decipher about this horrendous Bears lose, but let it be known my frustration is of the lose itself. Yes...let's face it we got what the media and the public want to call, "Tebowed", but if anyone actually decides to take a critical look at the game, late 4th quarter mishaps helped Broncos with the win, more than Tebow himself. Like I said, my frustration is about the lose, but I will avoid TV/Radio and media outlets because they will build up the Tebow brand like no other.
         Going out of bounds and fumbling late in the game, mixed with bad corner and safety play are football mistakes, but they will be among the characteristics used as foundation components to grow the Tebow complex. Let it be known he wasn't the one kicking the FGs, but in sports, an entertainment business, whatever's HOT, is the dictating power of what many analysts and fans support. For example, this Bears lose is not just our 3rd straight lose or the fact that it greatly reduces our playoff hopes, but it will be counted more as a tebow blow than a bears collapse.
          The Bears are now 0-3 after losing Cutler, allowing JUST 1 TD each game. Over the last 3 games, the Bears defense hasn't allowed more than 17 points a game. The Bears were 7-1 in OT games during the Lovie Smith ara prior to today. The worst of news is that both ATL and DET won today. If the Bears still want to make it into the playoffs, they need to win ATLEAST 2 of their next 3; or all 3 to have the best chance, AND hope DET and ATL lose. Oh and how about the Bears actually investing in a starting QB? Hanie is not starting QB material, and he has shown that over the last 3 weeks. They have already said they are not looking to acquire any more quarterbacks...I guess that is why most analysts have already taken them out of their playoff picture. Looks like the Bears have given up on themselves.


Thank *Insert your faith here* that the NBA Lockout is Over!! DaBulls!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Unwrap the gift of NBA on Christmas

         As I come back home from a late movie titled Immortals, and stuffing my face with pizza, I get on my laptop to catch up on an update of the NBA meetings. Earlier this week on Tuesday, NBA held a secret meeting to start negotiations again after the players rejected the owners original proposal on Nov. 14th. The meetings continued throughout this week and another marathon of meetings were held yesterday. Unlike last time though this one, finally made progress.-- ULTIMATELY, THE NBA IS BACK!

          First reported by Ken Berger of CBS and Howard Kent of New York Times, the NBA owners and Player Unions reached a tentative deal at approximately 2 AM (ct.) Nov. 26th 2011. Officially, that means the NBA lockout lasted 149 days. The tentative deals means that the deal is not final, but the two sides has come to an agreement which will still need to be ratified by players and teams to make the deal official. Simple majority of 30 teams and 430 or so players need to ratify it to make the deal official. Also the deal, at the moment, has not fully resolved issues of drug testings, splits of the entire CBA, age limit and other so called B-list issues. Saturday, the players and owners will be debriefed about the deal, and all remaining issues will be solved. Once the deal is accepted by the simple majority of players and teams, the deal will be official.

Details of the Deal (If/When deal it's official...):
* Games will start on Christmas - Dec. 25th 2011.
          -That means NBA opens up with 3 Monster Match-ups. Celtics/Knicks Heat/Mavs and Bulls/Lakers
* Training Camp & Free Agency will start Dec. 9th
* The season will be 66 games long - The 2nd shortest season after the 50 game season in '99.
* The Deal is a 10-yr Deal, that CAN be terminated by any side after 6 years.
* The Deal is a 50/50 split between the sides- BUT Players have the possibility of receiving 51% or 49% depending on if the league exceeds or falls below projections.
* Deal is reported to be OWNER FRIENDLY- Clauses of the deal favor the owners. Players lose $300 Mil per year, $3 Bil over the life of the deal.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

*Thank You All*

          Less than 24 hours from now, many of us will be surrounded with the company of our family, friends, significant others and perhaps even strangers whom will become our friends sometime later in life. As we sit at the table or on the couch, munching on snacks and chips, with the background TV noise of football announcers, we enjoy all that we all in life. We sit back and consume the aroma of thanks, the taste of life-long bonds, and the feel of love. These moments and countless others are what become some of the most peaceful, soothing, and irreplaceable memories of our lives.
          It's ultimately that particular moment that I feel on Thanksgiving that I wish to return to on many other days of the year. For some reason, it never seems to be same as what I feel and the level of thanks that I feel on a day like today, Thanksgiving. Why, does a simple, out of date holiday- on a weekday-, somehow embellish my mind and heart with the peaceful thoughts of love and thanks? Could it be a community of subconscious thoughts in my head that everyone not just in the house, but across the county is breathing in the love and unity of life, and  breathing out the thankfulness of all in their lives? Could it be something about the way food is put throughout the table covers every inch of the table's surface? I simply don't know why one feels the way they do on Thanksgiving, but I don't think it really matters. It's just nice to be accompanied by the people that we cherish and love and give thanks to all that is in our lives.
          Today, I would like to give thanks to everyone that is/has been a part of my life. Please don't consider this an early thanks, because even though "Thanksgiving" may not be 'til later tonight, it can never be too early to give thanks for everything in our life.
          As I sit here in my naturally consistent 60 degree basement, typing on my -slow but will never will die-type 2003 Toshiba Satellite that I stole from my sister, I'm somehow reminded that Life may seem big, but every little thing is somehow reflected to your status at this very point. "What if"s can be implemented at every decision in your life...but hindsight is only 20/20 based on your insight at the present moment. The best thing that I can say about my life thus far is whatever decisions I've made, whether right/wrong, have gotten me to where I am today and I am very thankful for that.

          Family is well.. indescribable...Whatever happens and whatever we go through...we're a family, but i'm not going to get into that. I've had the pleasure of getting move involved with my cousins and other family members than times before. "Dunchkin' and Munchkin" days have been lots of fun. Weird awkward moments of seriousness filled in between by teasing and bullying and immeasurable laughter on crappy jokes and crazy acts somehow have formed a loving spot in my heart, and a great relationship with my young cousins. To many of us older ones, it felt like just yesterday when the little ones were barely able to walk or talk, we helped to rock them to sleep. It's shocking to see that some of them will be going into middle school school and the next thing you know they'll be in college. It has also been an eventful year for many older cousins who now have to think twice before making any important decisions because they now have to account for their significant other. I wish them all the best in the future and would like to let all the new-family members know that we are very happy for you guys and I hope to meet you guys again very soon. On another note, It was a tough transition for me to slide into the quarter system early on in the school-year, and I sincerely thank my brothers for spending their lunch hours with me. It might have not meant much, but the lunch not only met my needs of hunger, but also for the need to spend time with people that I could enjoy it with. Thank you all!
          Friends have always been kind and dear to me. I consider myself very lucky to know and be friends, more like brothers, with many of them. No matter when we have last spoken, or hung out, that fact that I can pick up the phone and shoot a text or call to pick up our friendship right where we left off is something that I will never take granted for. I speak to all my friends when I thank them for putting up with my rapid bull-shit, crony jokes, and many other things. Plenty of my nights and days have been made with Mugs Pizza, Video Game, Poker, Pool, Late night breakfast and just the overall enjoyment of dishing out horrible ruthless disses to each other. Football has once again sparked up my passion for it much like the days back in high-school. I would like to get more involved in the parties and clubs that many of the guys belong to, I just need to find the time to. I thank my friends so much, because you guys understand me in ways that only you guys do. Somehow, someway, and all the time.. I feel at peace, a feeling of belonging, a feeling of unity- as if I never truly have to say thank you, but you guys already understand that I do. I also can't stress my thoughts out to my friends whom I haven't seen/spoke with in a long time. Too many of you, I'm glad we have a relationship that we can start back up again when we do see each other. To others whom once used to be my greatest friends, time is all that has come between us, whether for the good or bad is not of the issue when it comes to our lost friendship. I am thankful that you were a part of my life and know that I will always cherish the memories that we shared. ONE LOVE. Thank you all!
          Working with some of the most fabulous, energetic, and fun people has made my work-life that much more fun. I'm sorry to my folks at Luv My Pet. whom I had to leave in order to continue my studies. Many of you had to put up with me for over 10 hrs of the day, and not once was I kicked out of the van, Thank you. I appreciate all the times you had to wait for me while I counted the cash, or couldn't handle a wild pet. I took more away from that job that just skills of restraining a pet, or vet meds, or counting cash. I truly learned that SECRET SHOPPERS SUCK! Unless they give you a 100% of course. But seriously, it is in these vans that I learned no matter the background of our lives, if we all just break a little bit of our shell, we can all build happy friendships with everyone. We don't have to let out or pour everything out, but just the willingness to be happy, collectively, so that the next 10 hrs or so go by quickly and also make them enjoyable. I learned some amazing things while I worked there, but the best thing about the job was the people that I worked with. We saw many people come and go, but those who stayed somehow make things work, and you all should be very proud of yourselves for handling everything that comes with that job and at the same time performing the job at a level that only you guys can. While I mention the folk at LMP, I can't forget about my people at Oakton. Day in and Day out I walk into an office that is filled with upbeat intellectuals who make it seem like they're excited to see me- even if they truly aren't. I'm greeted by warm welcomes and tender pounds and handshakes. I swear, coming into such an office environment makes me want to work and accomplish all assignment giving to me as best as possible. I'm astonished at the amount of work that everyone does, and how much we all do as a team. I thank you all for teaching me valuable professional skills that I will not only use in my professional life, but personal as well. I sincerely thank my student employees, supervisors, and laid back staff members. I never feel like I'm in a straight-jacket, because even though my opinions aren't always respected, I'm comfortable enough to share them out loud and speak my mind. I like that fact that sometimes I feel like I'm under the wings of professionals who treat me a valuable team partner, and whenever I have a question I'm asserted with same attention that any staff member would get. I'm never belittled. You guys have helped me grow as an individual and have contributed to my overall character in the most positive manner. I thank you all!
          ~!*HER*!~  Thank You! What else can I say to thank you for all that you have done for me and all that you mean to me. I cannot and will not go into details because this will be much too long and truthfully there are too many memories than I cant remember all of them. I also thank you for putting up my bull-shit speeches, sports talk radio, late-night phone calls, brunt food, and much much much more. I do not just want to say "Thank you for everything" but if and when I do.. I mean it to the greatest extent of that phrase, Thank you for everything. Only reason I'm saying that is because there is more than enough things I am thankful for that you have done for me, but perhaps what I'm thankful for the most is you as the person that you are. Completely different from me, and in many ways the opposite of who I am. Somehow we make it work, but no "thing" can remain without work put in from both sides. I thank you for your work, your commitment, and your opinions. In many ways you ,just like others, have influenced not what I do, but more importantly who I am. I thank you for never wanting to change me, and at the same time trying to shine out the best of me and bleak out the worst. Thanks You!

          I thank you all, including my Facebook friends who have to deal with my crazy twitter updates. I appreciate each and every-one of you, from the people I've shared a second of conversation with, to the people I've spoken countless hours with. I have love for all of you in my heart, and I will never forget all that you mean to me. I probably should have written more, but I always feel like that...

Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone! Enjoy the great food and all that is Thanksgiving, and most of all enjoy the company of others. Thank them for all that they mean to you, because you mean the same to them. Aristotle once said that without Politics we would never be able to achieve true happiness. Politics in the sense of the interaction between people in a society. Basically to be truly happy, one needs the interaction of people, and what better than to interact with and surround yourself with the people you love! Happy Thanksgiving! Be Responsible! Have lots of Fun and Enjoy the Football games, Food, and Family! Take Care everyone! Once again... Thank You & HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Movies to watch and Bears/Chargers Picks!

YAY! FIRST BLOG ENTRY NOT THAT I GET TIME!...So to break into my blog, and now that school has ended for a couple weeks...more like a month, I will finally be able to start writing in my blog. I went around work and asked people what are some of their movie(s). Now you might ask.. WHY? well because I want to watch great movies that i haven't watched before... alright time to go around... I WANT TO MAKES THIS CLEAR THAT THESE ARE THEIR FAVORITE MOVIES..( in their opinion..obviously) -

1 - Godfather
Other Recommendations: Jaws, O Brother Where Art Thou...

1- Pulp Fiction
Other Recommendation: Citizen Kane...

1 - Godfather
Other Recommendations: Mission Impossible (Trilogy), Spider-man


Every week, before the Bears play, I will try to go around and ask people their picks for the game.. and then we see how they matched up!

This Weeks Picks!

JON: Chicago Bears 27 - 20.. "Can I give you my Bears pick now"

AARON: Chicago Bears 20-17.. " If Bears get/keep pressure on Rivers"

RAWNS: Chicago Bears 27-21.. "I don't know man.. does this seem like a fair pick?"

ME: Chicago Bears 24-14.. "I think it's gonna be a high scoring game..for the Bears"

Special Thanks to Jon Friedman, Aaron Alaniz, & Rawnsley Quilapio for they contribution to the post!

--------End of Entry #1--------